Here’s our list of Britain’s 7 Most Quirky Tourist Destinations:
1. The Forbidden Corner
Known as one of the strangest place in the world, the forbidden corner sounds interesting even when you read its name. Its quirky chambers, grotesque rock statues, and its ambiguous gardens make it the most spellbinding place in Britain. Labyrinths, tunnels and mazes add up to its strikingly strange yet attractive demeanor. Trust me, you'll feel like you're in Harry Potter world when you step into The Forbidden Corner.

2. Theatre Royal
You can only experience 19th century theatre in Britain. Catch a performance at the Theatre Royal. It’s the last remaining regency theatre in the country. You can enjoy drama, music, or dance at the theatre.

3. The Crooked House
The Crooked house is one of the most bizarre restaurants in Dudley with its building actually being crooked. It wasn’t built like this initially but certain mining efforts made it tilt on one side. The owners took advantage and turned it into The Crooked House restaurant.

4. Dolaucothi Gold Mines
Dolaucothi Gold Mines are old 20th century gold mines in Carmarthenshire. These Gold mines are situated in the middle of lavish green hills which itself is a dazzling sight to witness. These gold mines were the ruins of Romans from 2000 years ago. You are given underground guided tours and you even get to see ancient mine machinery. Mines are unlike Britain but they sure are a break from Castles and Palaces.

5. A la Ronde
Behold yourself to view the strangest interior designing of the region. It’s the A la Ronde in Devon with diamond shaped windows and feathers and shells used in its in house décor. This house was built for 2 cousins who brought back thousands of souvenirs from Europe and displayed it in their house. It’s more like a museum, only more interesting.
6. The Gnome Reserve
Interested in magical creatures like gnomes or pixies? Or if you have children then you will definitely enjoy The Gnome Reserve. It is a garden for the whole family which shows statues of gnomes doing everything possible from sunbathing to climbing! They give you a max of 2 hour time to enjoy in the garden and get the feel of a fairytale land with over 1000 gnomes and pixies

7. Klevedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker
Now this one is an eccentric attraction itself. Klevedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker was made in the time of cold war to accommodate military personnel and civilians including the Government if a nuclear war happened. You will relive history over here and go through some great artifacts at the site. It’s built deep into the woods which actually gives the feeling of doing something undercover. The best fact about it is that it’s built underground and has all facilities that could've accommodate 600 people for several days. At present, there's a restaurant there and you can explore the place for 3 hours. It’s not recommended for children though.

Have you been to any of these quirky places in Britain? Feel free to share your tips and recommendations.
Photo Credits (Flickr Creative Commons): The Forbidden Corner by vagueonthehow/ Theatre Royal by Andrew Levey/ Crooked House jjknitis/ Dolaucothi Gold Mine by hyweledwards/ Blurred Crusade/ Bunk by efishpool